Saturday, November 15, 2008


"So help me God".

Within minutes, if not seconds of saying those words on January 20, 2009, which inaugurate Barack Obama as President of the US and Commander in Chief of the armed forces, some innocent civilian around the world will die by unnecessary US military action. As the life is snatched from some unsuspecting man, woman or child simply trying to live out the Iraqi or the Afghan or the Pakistani or the Syrian or the Iranian dream, President Obama will have exercised the most awesome power that comes with that solomn oath: his License To Kill.

We don't spend six hundred fifty billion dollars a year on weapons of civilian destruction for nothing. The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex demands that they be used, frequently if possible, to maintain need for endless replenishment. These folks will lobby and propagandize and bully and cajole the American public endlessly until the guy at the helm aggressively gives the order to fire or passively allows the overt and covert operations already in place to continue their murder and mayhem.

President Elect Obama campaigned to end the failed Iraq he will have fresh soldiers and resources to funnel into the failed Afghan war; so he can send drones to bomb more wedding parties in Pakistan; so he can order more border incursions in Syria; so he can threaten Iran endlessly. The current Commander In Chief exercised his License To Kill frequently and with little or no hesitation, running his kill count to over a million with sixty-five days yet to go. Mercifully, the Constitution will take away, after two thousand nine hundred twenty-two days, the current President's License To Kill. Had the American people and the Congress lived up to their responsibilities to act morally and courageously, his License To Kill would have been revoked long ago. Irresponsible leaders should not be allowed to play with guns. We can only surmise how the new President will behave with his new power.

His rhetoric and his fealty to the war party, alas, are not encouraging.


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