Sunday, February 14, 2010


My state Senator Dan Cronin says "it is a privilege and honor to have Karl Rove come to DuPage County and speak at our 49th anniversary dinner". To paraphrase Sarah Palin during her vice presidential campaign, "Why is Sen. Dan Cronin pallin' around with war criminals?"

Karl Rove has spent the last two and a half years since he was forced out as Bush's chief advisor for his alleged role in outing the CIA wife of a Bush war critic, making millions as consultant, commentator and now author of the memoir he's promoting at the GOP dinner.

Rove avoided prosecution for his role in the CIA spy outing caper and will never be prosecuted or even investigated for his role as key propagandist for the Bush administration's march to criminal war which has left millions dead, injured or refugees in a trillion dollar war that was made up out of whole cloth.

Rove has no shame; nor apparently, does Sen. Cronin in bowing at the feet of a man who should be shunned by our political culture for the enormous damage he championed relentlessly for five years.

If Cronin can't disinvite Karl Rove, how about making him speak on the topic, "How I can atone for my role in launching and prosecuting our criminal Iraq war".

I'd even become a Republican for a night and pay the $150 to hear that one.

Also published in the Daily Herald, March 7, 2010


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