Wednesday, December 15, 2010


In 1954, an 18 year old John McCain entered Annapolis beginning a 56 year career of military and political governmental service.

If 74 year old McCain could start over today as that 18 year old seeking to enter service, he might just decide against Uncle Sam's bravest as we are closing in on allowing gays to serve openly. A majority of our citizenry, our politicians and now even our military grunts and leaders favor dropping Don't Ask, Don't Tell which would allow such open service. McCain, who two years ago opined he would back such a move if the military brass supported it, has changed his mind and almost single handedly sabotaged the recent, long overdue effort to repeal this bizarre relic of homophobia in our military.

McCain appears oblivious to the fact that 38 countries, including virtually all democracies and friends of America allow gays to serve openly. If our imaginary 18 year old McCain really wanted to serve in a gay free military, not contemplating change, here are a few of his choices: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, Venezuela and Syria.

Which one would you feel comfortable serving in, Mr. McCain?


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