Tuesday, March 22, 2011


It's a sad irony that America chose to intervene in the Libyan civil war on March 19th, the eighth anniversary of our catastrophic war in Iraq, where 50,000 GI's amid dozens of military bases continue to defile that pitiful land, smashed to bits by America's might.

Unfortunately, Uncle Sam cannot resist blasting another oil rich country with our Tomahawk cruise missiles when such a repellent strongman as Muammar Kaddafi tries to hold onto power in a vast land of feudal tribes masquerading as a country.

Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya all bear little resemblance to real, functioning countries with a unified culture and populous. The various tribes and religions have been fighting each other for centuries and no doubt will still be fighting each other centuries from today. We care not one whit about civilian casualties. If we did we would have prosecuted the leaders of our country for inflicting millions of casualties and refugees over there in our lust for empire and oil.

But when American Presidents are powerless to achieve meaningful progress in a declining economic power at home, it sure must feel good to push a button and watch as America's most prosperous export, weapons of human destruction, shows another sorrowful land America's true greatness.


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