Monday, October 03, 2011


Compared to convicted cop killer Troy Davis, who was dispatched by state sponsored homicide September 21, radical Muslim cleric and US Citizen Anwar al-Awlaki got off pretty easy. Davis had to stew on Death Row for 20 years while the wheels of justice creaked to their inevitable conclusion, in accordance with due process, so that, yes, Mr. Davis was worthy of being murdered by the State.

But when it comes to justice for "suspected" terrorists, even US citizens, the Obama Administration created American justice 21st century style precisely to avoid the inconvenience of an indictment, a trial, and then ten to twenty years of appeals. Al-Awlaki was simply put on the Administration "hit list" and in two short years we located his whereabouts and dispatched an unmanned drone to blast him painlessly to smithereens.

Troy Davis may have received due process, getting a fair trial in which nine folks fingered him for the killing and getting 20 years of additional life for appeals, but in the end it appears he was still railroaded to the Lethal Injection House for a crime we now know he may not have committed. That kind of due process might have proven al-Awlaki guilty of nothing more than anti American rhetoric and simply could not have been tolerated.

Due process? Justice? That is so old fashioned. Besides, this is God's shining city on the hill......where we don't need no stinkin' justice.


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