Saturday, July 07, 2012


One of the dirtiest secrets of our filthy, dirty war in Afghanistan is the underreported story of "green on blue" attacks; Afghan soldiers trained by Uncle Sam's finest turning their guns on their trainers. The success of these attacks is a testament to the effectiveness of the training: 19 attacks so far this year, killing 26 NATO soldiers, 13 of them US. By the end of July, its likely we will exceed the 21 attacks in all of last year.

Green on blue attacks are underreported because the military and the media collude to hide them from the American public. There is no personal gain for anyone in those institutions to tell the truth that our Afghan venture is a monstrous war crime that merely weakens our country while it recruits new locals to maim and kill as many American invaders as possible. They fail to see and to act on the moral and societal gain from exposing the barbarity and folly of our ravenous war machine.

Green on blue: these colors should run - to the nearest exit back home.


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