Tuesday, August 21, 2012

GOP operates to separate conjoined twins Ryan and Aiken

Conjoined twins, those twins whose bodies are joined in utero, are quite rare, occurring about once every 100,000 births. Even rarer are conjoined twins whose souls are joined in utero, but we have actually have a pair in Congress in the form of Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Todd Aiken of Missouri.

Maybe this bizarre entwining of their souls in utero explains with their obsession with the female uterus. While the country decays from lack of domestic investment and skyrocketing tax cuts for the 1%, these soul mates have spent inordinate Congressional resources denigrating, and disrespecting and restricting womens' reproductive health and medical choices over their own uterus. They introduced "personhood" legislation in Congress which if passed, would have defined a fertilized egg as a legal person, thus outlawing all abortions and certain forms of contraception. They also voted to block a routine extension of the "Violence Against Women" Act.

The bland Aiken conjoined twin was little known outside of Missouri where he's favored to defeat Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill this November. Meanwhile, the movie star handsome and muscled hunk Ryan, parlayed his charisma as the leading GOP Ideologue for privatizing Medicare and Social Security to nab the Vice Presidential pick from the suspect conservative Mitt Romney.

Little known, that is, till Aiken grabbed the spotlight from Ryan with his explosive remarks describing violent rape as "legitimate" and postulating that such acts can't cause pregnancy because a women so "legitimized" has magical powers to prevent a hate child.

The GOP hierarchy has gone berserk trying to find a doctor brilliant enough to untangle their entwined souls so Ryan can get back to the campaign stump, stumping to make stumps of the Trees of Life: Medicare, Social Security, Education, Food Stamps and other branches of the community forest.

Though they may be thousands of miles apart physically, Ryan and Aiken will be forever joined, not at the hip but at the soul. Funny, even with their two souls joined together...they are still soulless.


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