Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Romney following in Rick Perry's footsteps: "Whoops, I stepped in it"

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has a little 'splainin' to do to the American people who he seeks to give him 50% plus one of their votes this November 6.

Speaking before a private closed door gathering of 30 wealthy donors shortly after getting the nomination, Romney was caught on secret video proclaiming that he's written off the 47% of Americans who don't pay any income tax since they will "vote for President Obama no matter what simply because they are dependent on government for health care, food and housing". He went on to say "My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

In one incredible sound bite Romney has written off the bottom 47% of people who don't pay income tax, not recognizing they pay sales tax on virtually every purchase from their limited resources. He also conveniently ignores they mostly work as hard as any 1 per center, like Romney, maybe harder, as they try to subsist on one or more low paying jobs to keep a roof over their families, food on the table and clothes on their backs. Some of them subsist serving the unlimited whims of the extended Romney clan; cleaning up the Romney horse stalls, gassing up Ann's "couple of Cadillac's" and maintaining Mitt's luxurious cabin cruiser he uses escape from the pesky press on his New England water playground.

Speaking of horse residue, Romney, isn't the first GOP presidential contender to "step in it". Texas Governor Rick Perry beat Romney to that dubious distinction, self destructing during a national debate when he couldn't name the three governmental agencies he'd abolish so he could give the savings back to the greedy rich in further tax cuts. Unlike Perry, who strategically bowed out of the race after his first unsightly mis step, Romney has 50 days to continue following Perry's footsteps.


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