Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rep. Pihos Apparently Doesn't Listen To, Much Less Trust Anyone Under 30

The NY Times reported today that 81% of Americans under 30 support gay marriage. That massive majority among young adults tilts the overall support for gay marriage among all age groups to 58% against just 36% against. Yet my state representative Sandy Pihos continues to insist that she will vote against legalizing gay marriage in Illinois because "there remains strong opposition to same-sex marriage from the vast majority of my district constituents". I'm still trying to see the data Rep. Pihos is using to make such a statement that simply does not jibe with the seismic change in public opinion on gay marriage that has occurred in the past year. Could it be that its mainly the aging generation of homophobic folks, raised in an era when homosexuality was generally considered deviant and gays themselves were treated as lepers, that are bombarding Rep. Pihos with their fears and their ignorance and their hate to vote against granting gays basic human and civil rights?

When I was experiencing some of the hippie lifestyle back in the 1960's, our mantra was: "Never trust anyone over 30". It seems Rep. Pihos has turned that upside down when it comes to understanding the demographics of gay marriage support. She apparently doesn't listen to, much less trust, anyone under 30.


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