Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dubious Achievement Award: Texas murders 500th prisoner

You've got to hand it to the state of Texas. They try harder to be the most regressive, inhumane American state. Case in point is Kimberly McCarthy who on June 26th became the 500th condemned Texan to die since Texas resumed the despicable practice of state sponsored murder in 1982. McCarthy was addicted to cocaine when she committed three murders attributed to her. We can presume that the murderous gentlemen of the Texas judicial system were not addicted to cocaine but were instead, addicted to the blood sport of killing defective human beings responsible for heinous acts. Unlike 18 states and 140 countries who abolished this barbaric practice, Texas still loves to kill them instead, even if at least one, Cameron Todd Willingham, was deemed innocent after he began pushing up daises. In 2009, sensing that his 2004 OK of Willingham's execution was about to be discredited by the Texas Forensic Science Commission, Texas Governor Rick Perry hastily removed 3 key members who were about to exonerate Willingham and replaced them with loyalists who immediately cancelled the meeting. Voila! Perry's perfect record of only killing really bad folks was kept intact.

If Jesus could come back and spend one day in one state it would certainly not be Texas. But if he did he'd give his first blessing to the 357 condemned souls waiting their turn to face their state paid killer. And the folks turning the wheels of death would not get a single glance or word other than a shrug, as if to say, "Where did you go so wrong".

Recently, the aforementioned Governor Rick Perry came to Illinois trying to entice Illinois businesses to relocate to the Long Star State. He should have begun each sales pitch with this intro: "Come do business in Texas...where we kill people... legally".


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