Thursday, August 29, 2013

British poodle just morphed into a pit bull

In a stunning defeat for the British War Party of Prime Minister David Cameron, the British Parliament voted 285-272 to defeat a resolution allowing Britain to join America in another senseless and murderous intervention in the Middle East, this time against the Syrian regime of President Bashar Assad. Prime Minster David Cameron said it is clear Parliament does not want military intervention and "the government will act accordingly". Unlike American congressmen, Britain legislators actually debate entering criminal war against countries not an imminent danger to the homeland. The opposition Labor Party learned its lesson for supporting Prime Minister Tony Blair's criminal war against Iraq ten years ago and led the opposition to military intervention.

Britain may have been President George W. Bush's poodle whom he led to the most disastrous and senseless war in American and British history, but ten years on that poodle has morphed into a bit bull that just bit off a chunk of Uncle Sam's leg. Hopefully, the leader of the American War Party, President Obama, is rethinking his urgent drive to a war which will accomplish nothing but add more dead bodies to the 100,000 souls who've already perished in Syria, and drive American credibility in the Middle East further into the gutter. We know that British Prime Minister David Cameron gets it. The only question now is...will President Obama?


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