Tuesday, October 29, 2013

ESPN, college football, should sideling war criminal Rice

ESPN and college football are planning to appoint former George W. Bush National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the College Football Playoff selection committee which will pick the four teams that will compete in the first playoffs following the 2014 season. That would be a mistake and both ESPN and college football should cancel her impending selection.
Why? It's not because Rice doesn't know football as some opponents of her selection have intimated. Rice is an avid college football fan who claims she watches games every Saturday on...ESPN. Her father was a lifetime football coach and she was once engaged to NFL player Rick Upchurch. As Stanford University Provost from 1993 to 1999, she served on the selection committee which appointed two Stanford U. football coaches.

No, the problem isn't her football bonifides, its her character bonifides. Rice, as one of architects and biggest boosters of her boss's criminal Iraq war, has no business being given any honor in any endeavor whatsoever. Instead, she should be investigated for her complicity in the Iraq war crimes and if warranted, prosecuted. Given that virtually the entire government and the fawning corporate media have decided to "look forward rather than backward", investigation and prosecution of the Bush war cabinet is extremely unlikely. When you're as powerful as the US is, there is no remedy for the most egregious criminal activity known to mankind. Hundreds of thousands dead, millions injured or homeless, trillions squandered committing those atrocities is nothing too snivel at, but snivel we do, to our everlasting shame. The US has been grievously hurt by the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war as well. The least we can do is shun the biggest perpetrators Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and, the aforementioned Ms. Rice. ESPN and college football should examine her record and their conscience and do the right thing: impose a lifetime ban on Rice from participating in any collegiate educational endeavor, even one as un-educational as football.


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