Monday, January 06, 2014

Cong. Roskam cries wolf, dodges falling sky over Affordable Care Act

My Congressman Peter Roskam's Community Voice "Real chance for fraud in health care law" (Suburban Life, January 2), reminds me of "The boy who cried wolf", sending out false alarms as a prank, or possibly even "Chicken Little" mistakenly chirping that the sky is falling. Having voted and failed 43 times to prevent the Affordable Healthcare Act from being passed and funded, Roskam, as a House Tea Party leader, has adopted their last remaining talking point - possible fraud - while ignoring the ACA's enormous benefits to the 40 million uninsured; folks doomed to bankruptcy, diminished health, even death from the health care system Roskam adores with every political fiber of his being.  His title gives it away when he uses the term "real chance" which is pure conjecture, since no systematic compromise of private health information has occurred and none will. Those promoting the ACA who are working successfully to correct any deficiencies, without resorting to scare stories to destroy it, because their agenda is to expand delivering the wonderful improvements already achieved. Roskam relishes the media opportunity to present an utterly false and hurtful portrayal to destroy the first real lifeline those 40 million uninsured folks have secured in their lifetime. His real agenda is to undermine support for the Obama administration which is making progress in health care, the economy, and ending senseless wars in spite of Roskam's  efforts of sabotage. Go to his website, search NSA spying scandal, and find nothing. So much for Roskam's feigned concern for our privacy.

If Congressman Roskam thinks the ACA is going to go away, he should consider this:

  • 2 million folks visited on December 23 alone
  • 8 million folks have obtained health care coverage under federal and state ACA provisions
  • 3.9 million folks became eligible for Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program in October and November from ACA Medicaid provisions
While Roskam is warning about phantom wolfs and scurrying away from falling sky, the many millions being helped are saying simply: "Thank you, Mr. President." 


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