Rauner's educational plan does Kevin Trudeau proud
Illinois GOP gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner sure has a strange way of making education his top priority. His plan to make Illinois an educational showcase is to slash taxes, slash school funding, fire all the lousy (in his mind) teachers, lay off a bunch of others, swelling class size, and voila: First class education! Surprised? Don't be. Billionaire Bruce didn't get that moniker being a fact based, straight talking salesman. His educational policy sounds like he's channeling former diet book author and salesman Kevin Trudeau, who's sitting in the pokey for a decade for getting rich selling weight loss books by claiming his method was easy, when it wasn't. The main difference between Rauner and Trudeau is that Trudeau was charging money for his weight loss tips while Rauner is only charging people their vote for his snake oil tips to improve education. Maybe if Rauner gets elected he can use his enormous financial influence to get Trudeau early release from the slammer...and make him his education Czar
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