Tuesday, August 26, 2014

IS chops 'em off; US blasts 'em off

If you listen to the American war party, as soon as Sunni fighters finish creating their newly emerging Islamist State, covering a large swathe of Syrian and Iraq, they'll hop on airplanes to attack America. The hyperbole and imagery is embarrassingly outrageous but the party's talking heads pop up daily on mainstream news, using the severed head of journalist James Foley to promote new bombing and new canon fodder on the ground in never ending expansion of American violence begun eleven and a half years ago. America fathered this new, unsettling development by obliterating their 1960's sock puppet Saddam Hussein, who was designated by the West to continue the artificial country of Iraq as an American ally. But as predicted by anyone who chose to see and tell the truth, attacking Iraq was only going to create chaos leading to its disintegration into the three natural areas of occupation: Shi'ite, Sunni and Kurdish. We gave the Shi'ites everything but the semi autonomous Kurdish area in northern Iraq. We gave the Sunnis nothing, except arms and money and training to fight off al Qaeda which was never in Iraq till we essentially invited them into the bloody caldron of death and destruction our bombs created. Now the Sunnis are using our goodies to create their own state which includes a sizable chunk of Syria, also destabilized, in part, by the war party's support of Sunni insurgents. Meanwhile our valued ally Saudi Arabia, is pouring money into the Sunni cause to promote their Holy War against the Shi'ites. If none of this makes sense, welcome to American foreign policy, where everyone is our friend and everyone is our enemy depending on the war party's whim. And the next time one of the American war mongers demands more bloodshed to avenge the barbarity of our newest boogeyman, the Islamic State, remember that IS chops heads off one at a time; America blasts them off wholesale. 


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