Sunday, November 02, 2014

To Daily Herald, District 48 disappears into Tea Party Twilight Zone

Is the Daily Herald in the tank for GOP and Tea Party candidate Peter Breen, running for District 48 state rep?
For the last 30 days the Herald has gone silent on the most fascinating of all 118 legislative races in the Land of Lincoln. And it's right in the heart of DailyHeraldland! Glen Ellyn, Wheaton, Lombard, Lisle and Downers Grove have sprouted hundreds of Write-In Marian For 48 yard signs in the lawns of folks who still believe democracy means having choice at election time.

Tomlinson's write-in campaign was prompted by the Tea Party's efforts to get her booted from the Democratic ballot on a technicality, which she got on by obtaining nearly 1,000 petition signatures after the Primary. Not to be denied the opportunity to give the district a choice to the Tea Party, Tomlinson mounted a credible write-in campaign in all 102 District 48 precincts, reaching out with hope and vision to all 72,000 registered voters.

The Herald was quick to cover the race when Breen's challenge to Tomlinson was upheld in June. Then not a word about the race for over three months till they finally published her candidate profile on October 2. It is a remarkable statement in this age of cynical, anti-government politicians who pander to the fears and ignorance of the electorate, and it can be found here.
Then, mysteriously, the Herald incurred a moral power outage that produced a blackout in their duty to cover real political news and inform the electorate. We've sent them a number of District 48 press releases and dozens of phone calls requesting coverage. For the last two weeks staff writer Jessica Cilella has promised to write a story about the campaign but none has appeared, with ONE news day to go before a blizzard of write-in votes for Marian occurs on Tuesday.
Herald founder H.C. Paddock created this great motto 142 years ago:  "To fear God, tell the truth and make money." Money and truth aside, the Herald apparently also fears the Tea Party. 


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