Thursday, January 29, 2015

Breuder failed to leave on a high note

College of DuPage President Robert Breuder must have missed Seinfeld episode No. 172, 'The Burning' aired March 18, 1998. The story revolved around one of life's great lessons: leaving a situation on a 'high note'. Jerry counsels George, depressed after he told a bad joke following a good suggestion at a business meeting, that a nightclub comic always saves his best joke for last; then leaves the stage with the audience laughing.

Dr. Breuder stayed one year too long at College of DuPage following 33 years at three community colleges in Pennsylvania and Illinois. In his last year several major scandals erupted on Breuder's watch involving exorbitant spending by Breuder and his Board on extravagant facilities, Board members and on Breuder himself. At last night's Board meeting to approve his severance package worth over $750,000, 400 local residents showed up to protest Breuder's package and condemn his betrayal of students, faculty and taxpayers during his six year tenure. Sixty citizens, including two state representatives, spoke during the public comment section, and every one blasted Breuder and the Board; not a word was uttered on Breuder's behalf. Commenters demanded he not stay another day at COD, not have the Homeland Security Education Center bear his name, and not participate in the search for a successor, least he pick someone with his character.

Given a microphone Dr. Breuder can speak endlessly about his accomplishments at COD. But last night he spoke not a word, the audience wasn't laughing, and when he left the stage he had to look up to look down.


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