Tuesday, June 02, 2015

It's war monger Graham, not libertarian Paul who makes us less safe

SC Senator Lindsay Graham announced for president yesterday before a sparse crowd in Central, SC. He says he's running for president because "The world is falling apart." He should have added he did much to cause it to fall apart. He supported every criminal and senseless American venture in the Middle East that has left hundreds of thousands dead and millions homeless and on the move. He promises more of this madness with his central theme of opposing 'radical Islam' with war, war and more war. He's one of the virulent Republican neocons blasting his fellow Republican presidential aspirant Rand Paul, who single-handedly prevented extension of the most pernicious provisions of the Patriot Act. Every American should watch Paul's eloquent defense of his actions which have the neocons' heads exploding. Graham, meanwhile, disgraced himself in saying that if someone is thinking of joining ISIS, he wouldn't seek out a judge, he'd launch a drone to kill him. Paul correctly told Hardball's Chris Matthews that his fellow Republican warmongers are largely responsible for the creation of ISIS. He even pondered whether some of his critics would welcome a terrorist attack to ratchet up their fear mongering with an "I told you so." That resonates with everyone aware that the neocons were lusting for a 'Pearl Harbor' style event back in the late 1990's to launch their regime change plan for the Middle East. And we know how that turned out. 
Ron Paul has split the Republican monopoly on bellicose military adventurism wide open. He has created a healthy debate over Uncle Sam's overreach into our 4th Amendment privacy protections. Among the 19 or so little people running for the GOP nomination, Paul stands tall.


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