Kloster jousting at imagined political correctness in District 211 transgender case
Comments from folks like Andrew Kloster ('Dist. 211 puts safety above political correctness', Daily Herald, Nov. 1) are consistent in that they never reveal a single specific harm inflicted upon a single person from a transgender student using the correct sex (for them) locker room. Klosner also uses the meaningless term 'political correctness' to support District 211's push back to allowing transgenders to use the locker room of their choice. In fact, it's policy, not political correctness, that hurts the transgenders to satisfy the imaginary concerns of the parents and straight students. Federal policy, which has been successfully implemented in many school districts and public restrooms, allows voluntary privacy areas for those seeking such privacy whether transgender or straight. District 211's 'requirement' transgenders use such spaces is the rub which is jeopardizing the district's financial support because it's jeopardizing the legitimate rights of the transgenders.
If Klosner would visit his Schaumburg alma mater and quiz the students, he'd likely find them puzzled by his ludicrous concern over an issue that's simply doesn't exist for them. They know who their transgender classmates are, and likely support their living out their lives as their brain and their soul, not their body parts, direct. They also know the only fool who'd like to fool the non transgender girls at school is ludicrous presidential candidate Mile Huckabee, who joked he'd like to time travel back to feign his transgenderness to ogle the girls in his long ago Arkansas high school. We're universally better than Huckabee, and the crusaders jousting at contrived LGBT political correctness.
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