Thursday, December 10, 2015

Trump not an outlier; just the GOP spear chucker

“I don’t know if sand can glow in the dark, but we’re going to find out.”
"I would carpet bomb ISIS into oblivion."

Those statements promoting extreme, criminal slaughter of innocents in the Middle East were not uttered by GOP bad boy Donald Trump. They were spit out by Senator Ted Cruz, the Evangelical fanatic running second to The Donald for the GOP presidential nomination.

Then there is fading Republican insider and Bush Dynasty favorite Jeb Bush who said:

“The idea that somehow there are radical elements in every religion is ridiculous. There are no radical Christians that are organizing to destroy Western civilization. There are no radical Buddhists that are doing this. This is radical Islamic terrorism.”

But Jeb failed to consider that Christianity can lay claim to being arguably the most violent religion in history conducting massacres in South and North America, Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe
Virtually all other GOP candidates take extreme positions for more senseless war against one side in the Sunni-Shi'ite civil war redrawing the boundaries the West set during WWI. They all accuse the president of accommodating Islam by not uttering the dog whistle "radical Islam" which is their stand-in for the entire Muslim religion. Their words are putting every US Muslim at risk for attack from deranged followers of the entire lot of irresponsible candidates.

The GOP establishment knows Trump is not a Republican. They loathe his rejection of the party pros who control the party process; appalled at his pandering to the majority of GOP voters. They want him out which explains their feigned shock at his bizarre proposals to build a wall to keep out Mexicans, stop all Muslim immigration; even shut down the internet. If the GOP was really concerned about Trump's extremism they would call out the extremist, fear mongering and war promoting statements of the entire field, and craft a foreign policy platform of peace, decency and inclusion.

Don't expect that to happen. Whether Trump stays or goes, the GOP is all in for demonization of Muslims and endless war to combat a made up, phony threat.


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