Big Ugly Fat Fellow readied to kill again
Next month marks the 64th anniversary of the maiden flight of Big Ugly Fat Fellow (BUFF). . Deployed in February, 1955, BUFF, better known as the gigantic B-52 bomber, slaughtered untold thousands in America's criminal Vietnam War. It was resurrected to slaughter again in Persian Gulf War, the NATO war on Serbia and Operation Iraqi Freedom. BUFF will be deployed next month for the first time in our made up, unnecessary war against Sunni extremists redrawing the artificial WWI boundaries in the Middle East. BUFF can carry 70,000 lbs of death dealing ordinance including gravity bombs, precision guided cruise missiles, joint direct attack munitions and the war criminal's favorite: cluster bombs. That's America's Big Ugly Fat Fellow; 64 years of dealing death to the folks Uncle Sam don't like.
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