Thursday, March 31, 2016

Roskam should reprise Whitmore role in 'Palestinian Like Me'.

My Congressman Peter Roskam is cool with the subjugation and inhuman treatment 8 million Israelis practice against 4.5 million Palestinians. Keeping 1.8 million Palestinians penned up under quarantine in Gaza, the world's largest open air prison, or inexorably gobbling up Palestinian land, water and other natural resources from from the 2.7 million Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the West Bank makes no dent on Roskam's conscience as he never even acknowledges their existence. At his, Roskam always displays a homepage feature touting his role as Co-chair of the GOP Israeli Caucus, dedicated to promoting endless US 'free stuff' to beef up the gargantuan Israeli defenses against the existential threat of one of the most persecuted groups on earth protesting for their freedom, a home country, indeed, their very survival. Apparently, those 80 nukes that Israel possesses in contravention to world norms against nuclear proliferation, are not nearly enough to satisfy Roskam's thirst to maintain totalitarian rule in that sorrowful land with endless US largess.

A suggestion for my congressman. How bout reprising the James Whitmore role in the 1964 true life flick 'Black Like Me. In it Whitmore played John Howard Griffin, a white Southerner, who darkened his skin to go on a six week odyssey of the 1959 version of today's Israel, where being black in the South was hazardous to one's health. Roskam's remake would be titled 'Palestinian Like Me' and feature our endless Israel cheerleader posing as a Palestinian sampling life in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Roskam wouldn't even have to darken his skin; just lose a lot of weight and dress like he was destitute, which would allow him to fit in quite well with the 4.5 million folks he pretends don't even exist. Rather that Griffin's six weeks in South as a black, six days in a Palestinian adverse Israel should be enough to give Roskam an epiphany that being a member of the human race, not to mention Congress, requires one to stand up for the downtrodden, demoralized and demonized in society, wherever they reside.

Who knows, when he returns from the true life set of 'Palestinian Like Me', Roskam may resign being Co-chair of the GOP Israeli Caucus and form new new group: The GOP Palestinian Caucus.


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