Monday, August 15, 2016

Uncle Sam's head buried in sand...or worse on marijuana

Last week the DEA rejected dropping marijuana as a Class 1 bad drug in the same league as heroin and just ahead of cocaine and meth. Nuts? You bet your bong. Raising the middle finger to their crazed Uncle, 25 states and DC allow medical pot, providing cheap, life improving relief to millions for a host of painful, debilitating ailments too long to list. Four states and DC have upped the ante, providing simple pleasure to stressed out citizens with recreational weed. This November, besides sweeping the maniacal racist and xenophobe Trump off the public stage, voters in eight more states will likely join the medical or recreational category. Incredibly, every state and every citizen enjoying the medical or recreational benefits of ganja are still in violation of federal law.
The careerists at the DEA and the lobbyists at greedy corporations that benefit from keeping tea tossed into Boston Harbor ain't stupid. With weed at Class 1, profits of the 1% stay high instead of the spirits of the common man. Many a DEA agent or local drug cop spiked his career ascent arresting oodles of utterly harmless pot possessors. Good for John Law; bad for John Q. Citizen.
In the race for progress, the fed usually leads the states by a country mile. Regarding muggles, Uncle Sam is no where in sight.   


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