Thursday, November 10, 2016

Ayotte second of 47 traitorous senators defeated Tuesday

New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte conceded defeat to New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan, trailing by roughly a thousand votes out of 738,000 cast. That makes Ayotte the second of 47 Republican senators who signed the letter to Iran last year imploring Iran not to conclude the nuclear agreement negotiated with the US, Russia, China France, England and Germany, to lose their re-election bid. Their's may be the most visibly traitorous conduct ever undertaken by US senators; undermining presidential action which defused the most volatile flashpoint for another Middle East war. Kelly follows Illinois Senator Mark Kirk into retirement, defeated handily by Tammy Duckworth. Neither Hassan nor Duckworth are likely to repeat the traitorous conduct that thoroughly discredited Ayotte and Kirk.

That's the good news. The bad news? Forty-five of those 47 senators are still on the job promoting criminal war to keep war party coffers full, and undermining any efforts, such as the Iran Agreement, to achieve peace.


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