Friday, January 06, 2017

Killing Obamacare sorta like killing polio vaccine

Any Republican who campaigned against the Affordable Care Act these past eight years is despicable.
Whatever defects the ACA has pail in comparison to the benefits they've provided the 20 million covered by it. They pail in comparison to the 50,000 lives the ACA has demonstrably saved. They pail in comparison the the 300 other million of us who feel gratitude our government provided some relief to the least fortunate, medically speaking, among us.
Whatever defects the ACA has are the result of these despicable lawmakers who devoted every penny of their political capital to prevent any health care coverage for the uninsured, or improve the coverage for the insured. They are the result of these despicable lawmakers who forced Democrats to enact less than what was required, single payer Medicare for all, then, despicably sought its repeal because of those despicably engineered defects.
It's not uncommon for an uninformed Republican voter to tell me "Obamacare is horrible and must be repealed." My answer? "If up to you, 50,000 of your fellow citizens would be dead. Shame on you."

Walt Zlotow
Glen Ellyn


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