TR: the first...and the worst
As we survey American interference around the world, blasting away at regimes and peoples we don't like in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Iran, to name eight, it's helpful to look back 120 years to the man who epitomized American imperialism: Teddy Roosevelt. TR was instrumental in dragging America into war with Spain in 1898, ostensibly to free the Cubans and Filipinos from Spain, but using that made up war to gobble up Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippians and Guam. TR wasn't shy about engaging in imperialist war. “I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one. Any opponent would do, but the most ultimately righteous of all wars is a war with savages." Roosevelt, with a lot of help from publisher William Randolph Hearst and other imperialists, got his war with the trumped up USS Maine explosion; formed the Rough Riders to charge up San Juan Hill, and parleyed that fame into the NY governorship and US presidency. Afterwards Teddy said “Oh, but we have had a bully fight! I feel as big and strong as a bull moose! There comes a time in the life of a nation, as in the life of an individual, when it must face great responsibilities, whether it will or not…. We are face to face with our destiny and we must meet it with a high and resolute courage. I know now that I would have turned from my wife’s deathbed to have answered the call."
Out of office in 1917, Roosevelt became apoplectic over Wilson's pussyfooting about entering the Great War. Stung by his criticism, Wilson rebuffed TR's efforts to reprise the Rough Riders on European soil. Frustrated, TR demanded his 4 sons serve, but only succeeded in getting Teddy Jr. gassed, Archie wounded and his beloved Quentin shot down and killed in an aerial dogfight.
If we had to take one American Giant down from Mt. Rushmore, I'd pick TR, the original and Mother of all US imperialists and warmongers.
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