We did read it Congressman Roskam...and aren't buying
This quote pops up at first search of 'American Health Care Act' on my congressman Peter Roskam's congressional website roskam.house.gov.
“Following through on our commitment to responsibly repeal and replace Obamacare, my colleagues and I are pleased to introduce the American Health Care Act. We’re presenting a plan to increase access to affordable, patient-focused health care for all. We’re committed to an open and transparent process as we debate this legislation. Unlike Obamacare, we don’t need to pass it to find out what’s in it. I encourage everyone to read the bill for themselves at readthebill.gop”
Maybe the congressman missed Friday's news on Trump and Ryan pulling the bill for lack of support. The 14 million who can now keep their Affordable Health Care Act insurance, preventing degraded health, bankruptcy coping, and even death, sure didn't.
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