Friday, May 19, 2017

NY Times, WOPO passed on Manning's revelations

After 7 years as a political prisoner for embarrassing the US war party, Chelsea Manning is a free woman. She originally sought out the NY Times and Washington Post to reveal US war crimes in Iraq but the two house shills for the war party passed. This prompted Manning to contact Wikileaks which did reveal them and changed the landscape of whistleblowing illegal and immoral government secrets forever. Manning's courageous actions made possible both Ed Snowden's revelations of government spying on innocent American's and John Doe's (he remained anonymous) Panama Papers which chronicled how the greedy rich hide their obscene wealth. Both Snowden and Doe learned from mistakes Manning made which got her a year of solitary confinement under conditions the UN termed torture, in addition to the six at Leavenworth. Neither Snowden nor Doe suffered Manning's fate, tho Snowden is cooped up in Russia, possibly forever, due to Uncle Sam no like of patriots who report government criminality. Forty-six years ago both the Times and Post had enough integrity and independence to publish Daniel's Ellsberg's explosive Pentagon Papers which outed US coverup of the catastrophic Vietnam War.
Alas, those days of a truly free press are gone, not forever, but till we Average Joe's rise up and resist the calamitous state of ignorance and oppression we allow our government to impose on us.


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