Thursday, July 06, 2017

US suffering consequences of criminal regime change

We should not be the least surprised North Korea is adding ICBM's to their nuclear arsenal. They look at Iraq and Libya closing down their nuke programs only to incur regime change courtesy of Uncle Sam, with top leaders Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi suffering horrible deaths. Syria gave up their chemical weapons, resulting in our goofy Uncle bombing them for a chemical attack almost certainly NOT launched by Syria. North Korea will continue to build their defenses against regime change the man in a funny hat (in the guise of a demented former TV entertainer) lusts for. We need to negotiate with both North and South Korea, not for North Korea giving up their 'prevent regime change' card, but for an end to the 67 year old Korean War and a gradual withdrawal of the US from the Korean peninsula. The alternative only leads to catastrophic war.


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