Monday, October 30, 2017

Roskam's Weekly Roundup for October 21-27 an insult

My congressman Peter Roskam's constituent email 'Roskam's Weekly Roundup for October 21-27' sure is designed for the low information voter. It touts his vote for the GOP tax plan pitched as tax reform to help small business owners and states like Illinois. But Roskam leaves out that 80% of proposed tax cuts go to the richest 1%; just 12% to the folks in the 20 to 80% of earners. Worse, some of those meager earners will get a tax increase due to elimination of deductions they depend on such as for state income taxes. Worse yet, the trillions cut over 10 years must be revenue neutral, so IRA contributions may be cut from $24,000 per year ($18,000 for workers under 50) to just $2,400. Even worser, Medicaid and Medicare will be slashed to give Roskam's GOP a twofer: paying for tax cuts for the rich on the backs of the folks Roskam and his colleagues don't see, don't hear...don't care about.
On to healthcare where Roskam's trumpeted constituent information is truly bizarre as in these 18 words:
Healthcare, Insurance and Childcare:
Kindercare Learning Centers
American Heart Association
Aflac Insurance
Travelers Insurance
Antimicrobial Working Group meeting
We're paying Roskam a quarter million a year in salary and benefits to insult us with these meaningless words on a matter of life and death. We'd be better served with the truth; he's proudly spent the last 9 years trying to keep 20 million off the health insurance roles, allowing 200,000 unnecessary deaths over a decade.
It cost virtually nothing to send us these pixels. But come election season, Roskam will spend much of his $2,000,000 war chest to bury 6th District voters with full color glossies with these and much, much more of his blizzard of meaningless pap.


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