Thursday, December 07, 2017

Sad Anniversary

December 7th is a sad day for many reasons, one of which gets virtually no mention from the media wing of the war party. It's the last event that triggered a congressional declaration of war as required by the Constitution. As WWII was ending, FDR struck a deal with Uncle Joe Stalin to promote peace in spite of their ideological differences. Stalin would control the nations bordering Russia to thwart a third invasion in the century. FDR would develop Western Europe as a bulwark against communism. Both kept their word till FDR died 3 weeks before VE Day. The grand bargain died with him as the neoconservatives of the time told successor Truman that without a permanent war economy we'd incur another Depression. The new enemy, Russia, had to be resisted everywhere and the Cold War was born. This spawned the Military-Industrial Complex that has ruled American foreign policy 72 years on now. Today our trillion dollar war machine is bombing innocents all over the Middle East, Africa and Asia without a whimper of protest from the cowards in Congress.
December 7th...a sad day indeed.


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