Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Meeting man Roskam omits most critical health care meetings

With his seventh election approaching, career politician Peter Roskam (Congress IL 6th) is touting his endless meetings with endless groups to show his sincerity serving the public interest. His latest constituent email offers of blizzard of meetings alone on health care, including:
Advocate Health Care
Dupage Medical Group
University of Chicago Medical Center
Autism Speaks
Midwest Center for Surgery
Alas, you'll never find a single reference in Roskam's health care resume to the numerous meetings he attended beginning in 2009 when President Obama proposed insuring the 40 million souls left out of the health insurance industry. Those meetings were with his Republican colleagues to deny, delay, defund, destroy any Obama initiative to correct the most costly and inefficient health care system in the industrialized world; one that consigns millions to poor health, bankruptcy, even death to serve the craven political interests of a politician and a party doing nothing to help the less fortunate whatsoever.


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