Their certainly is an American agreement on what US should do in Syria
This subscriber the Trib Editorial Board labels an ‘isolationist’ takes umbrage with your assertion there is no US agreement on what this nation should do in Syria (What America does — and doesn't — want in Syria, April 14). First, let’s dispense with the myth there is an ‘America’, composed of the people, who have any interest in, much less a say so, on US policy in Syria. You would be hard pressed to find a single individual aside from new National Security Advisor John ‘Bonkers’ Bolton who wants massive, all out bombing to oust Syrian President Assad. Nor does our tiny but proud isolationist fringe have any illusions we have an iota of influence on criminal US military involvement in other nations affairs. That is because the US war party, not the people or the president, determines US policy in Syria as well as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Niger, Somalia, Libya and others of which we’re not informed. Their agenda is clear. Our murderous bombing of innocents in those defiled nations is good for business; the business of perpetual war which keeps the weapons makers rich, the military lavished with a trillion in treasure, and the war loving ideologues employed as talking heads on mainstream media. Keep those wars simmering at the low levels of minimal troops and low profile bombings and life is good. By arming Syrian rebels we get a twofer…keep ISIS well supplied to keep them as an imagined enemy to justify our involvement, and keep President Assad in our gunsight as a regime to change like we’ve done all over the world since the end of WWII.
If we want peace in the region we must pull our soldiers out and stop the bombing. That would be good for world peace but bad for the America’s most successful business: perpetual war.
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