Saturday, May 19, 2018

Trump's revival of Reagan gag rule unconscionable

While the 24/7 news cycle focuses primarily on Trump's foreign and financial corruption, the Trump administration focuses primarily on reversing many of the progressive policies which truly make life better for Americans. Take women's reproductive health. Trump just ordered Health & Human Services to prepare a 'gag rule' to prevent Planned Parenthood and other such counseling services from counseling pregnant women on available abortion services. Failure to comply will cause PP and others to lose precious federal Title X funds needed to provide these services. Physicians for Reproductive Health calls this proposal "unconscionable...undermining medical ethics by forcing health care professionals to withhold accurate and timely information from patients."
Trump isn't breaking new ground here. He's simply reviving President Reagan's gag rule from the early '80's. That rule never was implemented since it didn't survive court challenges till Clinton took office and ignored it; a humane response followed by Bush and Obama. Once again Trump proves that no decent progressive policy goes unpunished.


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