Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Uncle Sam addicted to war crimes in Yemen

US war crimes in the Saudi, Yemen civil war pile up endlessly. Two recent horrific Saudi bombings, facilitated with US planes, bombs, mid air refueling and intelligence, killed dozens of kids. Defense Secretary James Mattis pleaded with the Saudis to be more careful, essentially saying the endless slaughter of Yemeni innocents is causing Uncle Sam a public relations problem.  Now comes word the Saudis and their UAE allies are colluding with Al-Qaeda in Yemen to support their war against the Houthi rebels. Both the UN and Human Rights Watch charge the Saudi coalition in doing little to prevent civilian casualties and that civilian bombing investigations are a sham. One US senator actually spoke truth, pushing back against the atrocities we're enabling to both help goose munition maker profits and to undermine Iran, our imaginary bete noir in the Middle East. Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy tweeted "There it is WAR CRIMES. Funded and facilitated by the United States." Gee, only 99 senators to go and we might get our sorrowful Uncle Sam into rehab to cure his addition to war crimes in the Middle East and Africa.     


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