Sunday, February 17, 2019

Uncle Sam major destroyer of Venezuelan people

We should all be deeply ashamed how our government adds to the terrible suffering of the Venezuelan people. Much of their suffering is due to incompetent, corrupt political leaders. Some is due to sinking oil prices affecting 95% of their exports. But a major factor is crippling US sanctions designed to rid the US of a hated socialist regime targeted for change since the election Hugo Chavez 21 years ago. US propaganda hides our mendacity and the truth about Venezuelan governance from the American people. While the US plotted Chavez' demise, he was reducing extreme poverty there from 40% to 7% by providing improved health care, education and food assistance. But when oil prices sank after Chavez's death in 2013, the US used its worldwide economic clout to deny critically needed credit relief. Trump's new round of sanctions in 2017 pulled $6 billion from their economy the first year. UN Special Investigator Alfred De Zayas studied the crisis that year, determining US sanctions constituted "economic warfare", recommending the International Criminal Court investigate US sanctions as "crimes against humanity".

The US claims it will bring US style democracy to the starving people of Venezuela. The vast majority of Venezuelans want removal of cruel US sanctions, access to international credit, and end to criminal threats of military intervention. They want to eat and to live free from the fear Uncle Sam represents. Never has 'Yankee Go Home' been more appropriate.

Walt Zlotow
Glen Ellyn


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