Sunday, April 14, 2019

Trump negotiating North Korea nukes like a village idiot

Folks from  right to left praised Trump expansively for scoring the first summit between a US president and the leader of North Korea last June. Trump promised an end to North Korean nukes and the 66 year old stalemate to the Korean War. Kim Jong-un made a number of concessions and the US made....none. Well, we did cancel some provocative military exercises with South Korea both kept every onerous sanction in place. 

Then Trump trumpeted the second summit in February which ended early with no agreements because Trump claimed North Korea hasn't done enough. Trump's message was simply, 'You give me everything I want and I'll consider ending sanctions'. No fool, Kim walked away after 2 days. 

Now Trump seeks new diplomacy with North Korea including "small deals that maybe could happen"even though he views current sanctions are at  "a fair level". Not content just to discourage North Korea from ever negotiating at arms length with the US, Trump criticized South Korea's President Moon Jae-in's rapprochement with North Korea stating "This isn't the right time". 

What it's not the right time for is to let a delusional, clueless idiot negotiate foreign policy. 


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