Hooray for legal recreational cannabis in Illinois
I raise my voice against the nervous Nellies decrying the legalization of recreational cannabis in Illinois. They are hurling gloom and doom predictions in a likely futile attempt to prevent the reformation of the century long criminalization and demonization of a plant used for medicinal and recreational purposes for newly five centuries. Cannabis was legal in every country in the world up to the 20th century. Criminalization of cannabis in early 20th century America is steeped in racism against people of color. Millions have been imprisoned or had their lives otherwise needlessly ruined as a result. It's been 108 years since the first state banned cannabis and 82 years since the federal government did so nationally. Illinois banned it in 1931. Decriminalization has been going on for 46 years, medical cannabis for 23 years and recreationally starting with Colorado and Washington for 7 years. Ten states plus Washington DC have legalized it and none will ever go back to the dark ages of ignorance and folly.
Kudos for Illinois legislators Heather Steans and Kelly Cassidy for their long and reasoned work to bring recreational cannabis to the brink of passage in Illinois. Thanks to Illinois voters who turned out Nervous Nellie in Chief Bruce Rauner for wise and courageous leader J. B. Pritzker who has championed and will sign the long overdue legislation. Once enacted and implemented, the million or so regular Illinois cannabis users can begin switching suppliers from the underworld or states where it's legal, to licensed Illinois entrepreneurs, a quarter of which will represent minority communities.
Progress is never inevitable. But with hard work and perseverance, it can happen.
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