Friday, July 26, 2019

Bar Barr from committing 5 state sponsored murders

Attorney General William Barr ordered the Bureau of prisons Thursday to schedule the death penalty for 5 of 62 federal prisoners on death row. The state sponsored murders could begin as early as December though legal challenges may push the dastardly deeds into 2020. No federal felons earmarked for death have been executed since 2003. Only 3 have been snuffed out by Uncle Sam since he re-instated death for really heinous murderers in 1988. 

The last 2 administrations recoiled at state sponsored murder, causing the 16 year de facto abolishment at the federal level. It's no surprise Trump's administration seeks a return to governing barbarism. Trump made his bones as a grisly capital punishment advocate with his 1989 full page ad in New York papers calling for death to the 5 Central Park 5, convicted of raping a jogger in Central Park. They were later exonerated via DNA evidence, received a substantial settlement from New York, but no apology from Trump. 

We can only guess what transpires in Trump's brain. But based on his history of bloodlust for capital punishment and need to serve up fear and loathing to his base, it's both personal and political.   


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