Thursday, November 14, 2019

US needs to pivot away from murderous interference in Ukraine

Most Americans are aware of US regime change in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and attempted regime change in Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Yemen and Iran. But too many are clueless about the 2013-14 US regime change project for Ukraine inspired by their election of pro-Russian president Victor Yanukovych. The US became so obsessed with preventing Ukraine from tilting toward Russia, it helped inspire, promote and fund the February, 2014 coup that drove Yanukovych from office, igniting Russian involvement and a civil war in the eastern Donbass region that has killed over 15,000. Just three months before the coup, America's most prodigious warmonger, Sen. John McCain, stood next to Oleh Tyahnybok, leader of extreme right wing nationalist Svoboda Party, at a Kiev rally and proclaimed "America is with you". McCain should have said, "The American war party is with you." Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was then recorded discussing which pro-west Ukraine leader should replace Yanukovych. "Yats is the guy...." Nuland chortled, referring to preferred US tilting Ukraine puppet Arseniy Yatsenyuk. None of this had an iota of connection with America's national security interests. Never has, never will.

Five years on the Ukraine disaster boosted and bankrolled by Uncle Sam may bring down an unfit man functioning more like one of the corrupt Ukraine oligarchs he idolizes than a legitimate US president. But his saga of decline should not obscure the reality that we shouldn't be giving $4.00, much less $400,000,000 in weapons of war to continue the killing in the US instigated failed state of Ukraine.


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