Thursday, December 19, 2019

Good day for presidential accountability; bad day for peace

While Trump's impeachment by the House sucked all the oxygen from the news cycle, the Senate, quietly lavished an additional $22 billion on the Defense Department in passing the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This brings Defense Department increases in Trump's three years to $130 billion. Additionally, House provisions to end US support of Saudi Arabia's murderous, immoral war against Yemen, and requirement for Trump to obtain congressional approval before launching any attack on Iran were stripped out. The overwhelming 86 - 8 vote was not surprising as runaway military spending to fund perpetual US war around the Middle East and Africa is bi-partisan. To his credit, presidential contender Bernie Sanders (I- VT) had this to say about the bill: “The 2020 NDAA is a bill of astonishing moral cowardice, There is no pressing reason for Congress to shower Trump, his Saudi friends, and the Pentagon contractors of the military-industrial complex with this $738 billion taxpayer giveaway right now. We owe it to the American people to go back to the drawing board.” Back to the drawing board, indeed. Congress should be required to go back for moral training in the Constitution which requires them to authorize any US military action currently killing untold thousands in numerous countries.


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