Sunday, February 02, 2020

Glen Ellyn should jump on cannabis gravy train

Fiscally astute, nearby towns like Addison, Geneva, Lombard and Villa Park have allowed recreational cannabis sales this year. Fiscally timid communities like my own Glen Ellyn are telling it's 27,000 residents to drive a few miles to spend their recreational dollars, including a few for municipal taxes, in one of those communities before driving back to placid Glen Ellyn to get high. In the first 12 days of cannabis sales, $20 million flowed into legitimate business coffers in those enlightened communities, on track for $600 million in the first year. Glen Ellyn trustees have begun to awaken, pondering about having a referendum November 3 to gauge public support for keeping that Glen Ellyn walking around money right here in Glen Ellyn. Hey, what's the hurry?

Those Glen Ellyn trustees sure are good public servants....looking out for the fiscal health of their neighboring communities.


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