US should attack coronavirus, not nations
Coronavirus has infected nearly 400,000 Americans, killing 10,000, and halving our $20 trillion economy while we cower in fear. But this richest country on earth can’t supply masks, shields, gloves, gowns, respirators and ventilators to effectively combat the disease, allowing it to spiral out of control. Yet, America has spent the last two decades squandering $6 trillion to wage senseless war in at least 8 countries, getting hundreds of thousands killed, and millions displaced…all for nothing. Adding to the US horror show of bombs, we impose draconian sanctions on many countries which degrade their access to medical care needed for their own coronavirus battle.
The US can do this because our leaders are evil and our people don’t care. As long as the economic gravy train of full employment and ever increasing stock portfolios rolls along, most simply shrug and turn away. ‘Not my concern’ is their collective response.
No more. Any person with an iota of sense and decency should realize a nation with a trillions of dollars in murderous military gear but a depleted pandemic medical cupboard is in decline.
Even our over hyped military is being is being schooled by the virus. An aircraft carrier is being evacuated; close quarter military drills and ops are being re-evaluated and scaled back. The bug loves military congregations. It’s telling the warriors, as well as us every day peaceful folks, to stand down. Historians have even linked the origins of the 1918 flu pandemic that killed 50,000,000, to a side story of WWI; the shipping of 96,000 Chinese laborers across Canada in sealed railroad cars to work behind Allied lines on the Western front. It may have influenced the Great War’s end.
Those of us in the peace movement have been telling our leaders for decades to stop using our treasure to kill people; to use it instead for healing and nurturance. Today’s invisible bug from out of nowhere, in a grisly way, may influence an end to America’s perpetual wars a century on.
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