Monday, May 25, 2020

Much to mourn on Memorial Day

On Memorial Day it’s appropriate to honor and mourn the 1,350,000 Americans killed in all US wars, roughly divided between combat and non-combat causes. But it’s also appropriate to recognize that arguably all but those killed in WWII were victims of senseless, unnecessary wars, either started by America are foolishly joined in by America for reasons having nothing to do with national security. That makes their loss more senseless and tragic than otherwise considered. It would also be appropriate mourn the loss of the many millions we needlessly killed in those unnecessary wars. We should use Memorial Day to join in efforts to end senseless US wars in eight or more countries in the Middle East and Africa killing innumerable thousands each year…all for nothing except the power, wealth and glory lusted for by the US war party. We should use Memorial Day to end all sanctions that needlessly worsen pandemic in countries we hate.
Instead of squandering trillions on these wars, we should use those trillions to bring aid and comfort to the hundreds of millions whose lives have been devastated by pandemic and war; the former out to the blue, the latter out of the ‘wild blue yonder’.


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