Tuesday, July 14, 2020

5.4 million losing insurance in pandemic not enough for Trump

An estimated 5.4 million Americans have lost their health insurance in pandemic. The real number is 27 million but 21.6 million became eligible for free Medicaid programs or subsidized private insurance under Obamacare. But in Trumpworld no good government program goes unpunished. Trump continues his ghoulish lust to destroy Obamacare, his signature 2016 campaign pledge, by again going to the Supreme Court in another attempt to overturn it.
Filing to overturn Obamacare during pandemic, which could add another 20 million uninsured, is cruel beyond comprehension. Trump’s brief arguing for repeal didn’t even mention pandemic. Hey, why inject a critical reason to not overturn Obamacare into the argument for repealing it. Apparently, the only thing Trump considers injecting….is disinfectant.


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