Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Ives careens from gays to Black Lives Matter to save nuclear family

Good grief, Jeanne Ives is at it again in her quixotic quest to save the nuclear family with preposterous memes. Back in 2013 then Illinois state rep Ives told a Christian radio audience gay marriage was the threat claiming it “was completely disordered. They’re trying to redefine society…trying to weasel their way into acceptability so they can push their agenda down into the schools…and we can’t allow that to happen”.

In 2020, Illinois 6th District congressional candidate Ives, unfazed by having used one vicious meme in her quest, has picked one even more egregious: condemnation of Black Lives Matter as “a Marxist organization that wants to destroy the nuclear family." Ives didn’t hide behind an obscure Christian radio station to spew this nonsense, but at a public online campaign forum. Ives’ preposterous condemnation of Black Lives Matter is not even original. I’ve seen that white nationalist meme online, even being spread by conservative acquaintances. They damage they do is minimal compared to a congressional candidate having public access to 750,000 residents she seeks to represent in Congress.

It’s not Black Lives Matter that threatens the nuclear family. Five centuries of institutional racism has already largely shattered the Black nuclear family. Jeanne Ives knows better. But just like her ludicrous and disgusting campaign to prevent marriage equality and gay rights, her sliming of Black Lives Matter proves her unfit for elective office.


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