Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Pope's gay civil unions comments old (Vatican censored) news

The recently reported comments by Pope Francis supporting gay civil unions, a dramatic break with Vatican doctrine, are actually a year old. He made them in a Mexican broadcast station Televisa interview in 2019. But Televisa revealed the Vatican filmed the interview and edited out the offensive (to them) remarks. The interview has Televisa asking Francis about legalizing same sex relationships. The video then skips to Francis saying "One changes in life". Gone missing are the words revealed in the new documentary 'Francesco': "What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered." 'Francesco' director Evgeny Afineevsky apparently discovered the censored remarks in Vatican archives while researching his documentary and simply reinserted them as new news. Also apparent is that while Pope Francis changes in life...the Vatican does not.


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