Wednesday, October 07, 2020

When ‘house arrest’ is not enough

Covid sufferer Donald Trump may consider himself convalescing in the White House, but many view his stay there as a form of ‘house arrest’. He’s no longer running around the country maskless spewing coronavirus particles at his maskless idolatrous supporters. Those rallies have infected many, including fellow presidential contender, maskless Herman Cain, who caught covid and died. But when Trump re-entered the White House and ripped off his mask, we understand how his entire governing mantra, that pandemic is a harmless hoax, is putting the hundreds that work there at risk. Every day one or more VIP’s connected to the Trump White House test positive, 17 so far. How many low level staff in the back rooms have caught covid will likely remain secret.

Maybe it’s time to admit that house arrest for Trump is not good enough. How bout sentencing Trump to ‘hospital arrest’ for the remainder of the campaign. If so, he should be forbidden to go joy riding before adoring fans, putting secret service, several of whom have become infected, at further risk.


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