Saturday, November 14, 2020

The tortured logic of the Tax Amendment 'No' voter

I’m dismayed but not surprised the Illinois Graduated Income Tax Amendment failed. Having talked with a number of folks who would get a tax break or at worst a freeze, but said they’d vote no, led me to predict failure. Everyone agreed a progressive tax is fairer than the current flat tax. But everyone said they would not vote for it till Illinois gets its financial house in order. The irony is that our current financial difficulties impinge not one whit on their lives. But voting no will now likely increase their taxes, and those involved in state jobs and services may garner a pink slip. Their logic of tying a simple vote on an overall tax improvement to a complex matter that has no simple, clear or quick solution congers up this analogy. It’s like an oncologist telling a person with possible terminal cancer, “I’ll give you chemo and radiation AFTER you completely change your reckless life style which gave you the cancer”.


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