Monday, December 14, 2020

Fiscal 2021 NDAA a disgrace in time of pandemic

The Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by a veto proof majority, 84-13, following a similar 335-78 vote in the House. The military promptly gets its $740 billion to maintain perpetual war around the world and threaten new wars against major powers China and Russia. The tens of millions of Americans suffering under pandemic recession get the big brushoff.
In October the Democratic House passed the latest critically needed $2.2 trillion covid relief bill now held up for nearly 3 months in the Republican Senate. At this point it may take Democrats winning the Senate January 5 with two Georgia Senate victories to finally pass a decent relief bill. If Republicans retain the Senate? Faggedaboudit.
That’s America’s priorities in stark relief: hundreds of billions for perpetual war; nothing for perpetual pandemic economic collapse.


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